HomeTV10 reasons The Lying Game should be renewed

10 reasons The Lying Game should be renewed

ABC Family’s The Lying Game is currently hanging in limbo following the end of its second season.

Ending on one hell of an almighty cliffhanger, The Lying Game is the perfect mix of drama, twists and romance. We’ve fallen in love with twins Emma and Sutton and we don’t want them to be pulled from our lives by ABC Family.

As we write this the show hasn’t been cancelled or renewed but rumours suggest that the network may lose some of the cast now their contract options have expired and they are free to pursue other acting work. A decision on the show’s future is expected in July.

If you haven’t seen the show’s second season then we suggest you stop reading right now so we don’t spoil anything for you. If you have seen it then keep reading as we list all the reasons we want the show to come back.

1. Alexandra Chando. It’s no easy thing to pull-off but Chando has created two completely different characters with Emma and Sutton. She reminds us a little bit of The Vampire Diaries’ Nina Dobrev and is a fantastic actress. We need much more Emma versus Sutton in our lives.

2. We need to know what happens to Alec. Former Heroes star Adrian Pasdar is wonderful as the series’ shape-shifting baddie but we can’t not know if he survives that fall from the end of season two. Did Rebecca push him? It’s one of the most intense cliff-hangers we’ve seen on a show all year.

3. Thayer’s fate. The shocking reveal at the end of the second season finale suggested that Thayer killed Theresa. Is he really secretly evil and has he been trying to frame Alec all this time? We need answers people!

4. We love Laurel. Not only does actress Allie Gonino light up the screen at every opportunity but her band The Good Mad aka Strangeworthy soundtrack the show with their performances. Now she’s part of the gang and in on the Emma/Sutton secret we want her to have a bigger role in the show to utilise her impressive talents.

5. Kristin still has no idea. Now that Emma and Sutton have told Ted their secret, it’s time that Kristin found out surely? She’s one of the only characters still in the dark. Maybe it will stop her cosying up to Alec (who could well be dead anyway).

6. Charisma Carpenter. We’ve loved Charisma since her Buffy and Angel days so it’s great to see her back on our screens on a weekly basis. As scheming Rebecca she’s perfect and we want to see what else she has up her sleeve. We’re sure there’s plenty more secrets in her past to come out and we love trying to guess if she’s lying or telling the truth.

7. Mads and Jordan forever? Mads finally found out Jordan’s dark secret that Rebecca was holding over him. By the end of the season he was working on the right side and helping prove Rebecca’s guilt but did it cost him his relationship with Mads? We want to see how their relationship pans out.

8. Guy candy. Blair Redford, Adrian Pasdar, Christian Alexander and Ryan Rottman. The Lying Game had its fair share of guy candy and we want to still see them every week. Don’t take that away from us ABC Family.

9. Ethan and Emma or Ethan and Sutton? We prefer Ethan with Emma but something keeps him flitting between the twins. Surely Emma is better for him than scheming Sutton? We like Ethan and Emma together and want to see them enjoy a bit of happiness.

10. Dan needs closure. Poor Dan. During the second season his fiancée was murdered and he found out everyone he loves has lied to him. He was dangerously close to a melt-down by the end of the season and we need to see him get some closure. We can’t just be left wondering if he catches Theresa’s killer!

Do you agree that The Lying Game should be renewed for another season? Leave your comments in the usual place and let us know what you think.

Pip Ellwood-Hughes
Pip Ellwood-Hughes
Pip is the owner and Editor of Entertainment Focus, and the Managing Director of Piñata Media. With over 19 years of journalism experience, Pip has interviewed some of the biggest stars in the entertainment world. He is also a qualified digital marketing expert with over 20 years of experience.

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