HomeTV'This Is Us': 5 things we want from the final season

‘This Is Us’: 5 things we want from the final season

4. Randall to find peace with himself and his life

This Is Us - Randall
Credit: 20th Television / NBC

A lot of season 5 focused on Randall (Sterling K. Brown) dealing with the discovery that his mother hadn’t died when he was a baby. That sent him spiralling as he tried to put together what his life might have been like had he had the influence of his biological parents. His journey led him to explore the way his race had impacted on his relationships with the Pearsons, in particular the fractious relationship he has with Kevin. In season 6, I’d like to see Randall moving forward now that he’s dealt with his past to form stronger relationships with his siblings and achieve the peace he’s been searching for.

Pip Ellwood-Hughes
Pip Ellwood-Hughes
Pip is the owner and Editor of Entertainment Focus, and the Managing Director of PiƱata Media. With over 19 years of journalism experience, Pip has interviewed some of the biggest stars in the entertainment world. He is also a qualified digital marketing expert with over 20 years of experience.

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