HomeTVGo on a World Tour with 'Walter Presents'

Go on a World Tour with ‘Walter Presents’

Walter Presents: Moscow Noir
Credit: Walter Presents

From Russia, it’s a short trip across the Baltic Sea to Sweden and the rather confusingly named Moscow Noir. Set in the late 1990s, this is the tale of dodgy dealings on Russian stock exchange which results in Swede Tom Blixen being pursued by oligarchs and Russian mobsters. Starring Adam Pålsson (who plays the lead in Young Wallander on Netflix, too), I spoke to him via email about the series. I commented on how well it reflects the strange period just before year 2000: “I hope so! That was definitely the intention. The chaotic situation in post-Soviet creates a strange, scary atmosphere. Tom Blixen’s never secure, you never know who to trust.”

The show is based on a series of novels by Grebe & Leander-Engström, so does having that depth of characterisation help when portraying the characters on-screen? “It’s always sweet to have an origin such as novels. Reading the books gives you so many clues to the character, his history and thoughts. As an actor, that’s just a blessing, really.”

The show features actors from numerous European countries – but Adam enjoyed the diversity of it: “Putting people from too many countries always means a risk, I think. You don’t want the ”Euro-pudding” feeling, when it’s unclear whose narrative it is. But I think we managed that in a pretty good way. And personally, I love meeting people from other parts of the world. I want to do that all the time.” You certainly looked like you were enjoying yourself: “Honestly, my job’s the best in the world. It may be late work, hard work, bloody hot or cold, but I just love it. Even the boring parts, when you wait and wait, is often pretty fun. And if you get the chance to do stunts and stuff, that’s even more fun.”

And lockdown – how’s that been for the Pålsson family? “We’ve had a long summer, hiking in the forest, swimming in the ocean. I watched Casablanca the other day for the first time. Magnificent. Check out Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman and Peter Lorre, kids! And rediscover Steve McQueen, Faye Dunaway and Meg Ryan!”

Martin Howse
Martin Howse
Martin is a wannabe Viking who enjoys all things Nordic (literature, film, TV, rock music - and cinnamon buns!). Skål!

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